I had 2 favorite spots when I was a child: the living room table and the apple tree on the top of the hill in front of our house.
The living room table was the place where I used to hide whenever I wanted to cry tears of sadness and if I had to chose between them, the apple tree spot would win.
I realized it was my meditation place. The view was amazing, no matter what season we had and It was the only place where I felt free. My thoughts could run and I could hear the wind softly blowing around me. I could see the village houses and the changing fields coloring the panoramic view.
It was there where I went back each time I had to take a decision about my life. It was there where I went to meditate.
My dream was to be a heart surgeon. I wanted to help people survive and have a second chance. My parents were frightened by the idea of me leaving the village, leaving them, so I left myself persuaded that medical school would be too hard and that I was too sensitive to be a surgeon. They wanted me to be a teacher, to stay in the village and continue their legend.
I went under the apple tree and asked myself what I loved the most besides being a surgeon. It was English language and singing. My parents did not fancy at all, the idea of me being a singer. Once again, their fear of losing me and of me not succeeding in an artistic career brought my own fears and insecurities. So that day I chose English.
15 years later I could finally chose my hearts calling. I am not a surgeon operating on hearts physically, but what I do, goes at an even deeper level and that brings the most beautiful transformation. I also get to combine my two other passions, English and music, as I work with people all over the world and I use music in my personalized recordings.
Every time I need to make a decision, I mentally go under the apple tree and listen to the wind. I guess it will be forever my inspirational spot!
How about you, my dear, what is your favorite meditation spot?
And how about your heart? Do you think you followed it's desire?
I would love to hear your thoughts! You can either comment below or talk to me live here.
